Shelters For Homeless And Orphans

Imagine being forced to helplessly live without a roof over your head while you do not even have proper food to fight off starvation. Whether they’re an orphaned child, elderly or adults; it’s devastating and awfully distressing for those who were struck with poverty, natural disasters and other societal issues that had them living on the streets, sidewalks and roads. You can be a ray of hope for humanity in such times of darkness. Don’t let the poor orphaned and elderly homeless be disappointed in humanity for not even shielding them from harsh weather and dark nights. Support us with your donations to find a home for these helpless people in need, and win the favors and blessings of Allah Almighty as Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) instructed; “in Jannah, the person who takes care of an orphan will be close to me like the two fingers of a hand”. Your donations can help them in various ways